The Hormone Balance Solution™
take charge of your health and empower yourself so you can feel better than you have in years – both mentally and physically.
“It changed my life for the better. Thank you.”
What is The Hormone Balance Solution?
The Hormone Balance Solution is a 6 month comprehensive hormonal health program for women in their 40’s – give or take a few years – who want to get solid answers to their hormonal health issues once and for all so they can kick the weight gain, belly fat, moodiness, skin issues, fatigue, insomnia, hair/eyebrow loss, hot flashes, low libido, and other symptoms in order to get back to the woman they once were.
The HBS is a 6 month program designed to teach you how to look after your body and educate you on topics you must know about in order to get hormonal balance – and keep it long-term.
This all-in-one hormone health-restoring program includes a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test and a GI Map gut test. These are functional tests that are more in-depth than anything your allopathic doctor will ever run for you. When we run these tests together – we get a goldmine of information allowing us to develop foolproof customised protocols that get our ladies results.
We also look at your blood work to round out your picture and leave no stone unturned in our quest to dive deep into your case and get you answers once and for all.
HBS member, Casey shares the dramatic improvements she's acheived from her work inside of the program.

How do I know if I need the Hormone Balance Solution?
✓ Heavy, irregular, or painful periods
✓ PMS (cramping, water retention, tender breasts, mood swings)
✓ Fibrocystic breasts
✓ Ovarian cysts
✓ Fertility issues
✓ Debilitating fatigue that leaves you unable to do those things you most desire to
✓ Hair loss and thinning hair
✓ Osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones)
✓ Uncontrollable irritability or rage
✓ Vaginal dryness (but you’re lacking a sex drive in the first place!)
✓ Mood swings, anxiety and/or depression
✓ Bloating, indigestion and other digestive issues
✓ Constipation and/or diarrhea
✓ Acne during or just before menstruation or other skin issues
✓ Cold hands and feet, constipation and other sluggish-thyroid symptoms
✓ Hot flashes and night sweats
✓ Weepiness and crying spells
If you have any of these above symptoms then you’re in the right place. My team and I can help you.
And when you work with us inside The HBS you get two brains across your case – not just one. This is unheard of in a hybrid program such as this. Usually you will only be allocated one health practitioner on your case. But in The HBS both Michelle and Tara talk about your case, review it together, and come up with the best possible protocols for you based on their 20 years of combined experience in women’s health.
It's time for you to get back into balance and back to feeling like yourself again.
So, if you’re ready to make sustainable changes that actually stick then you've found your biggest cheerleaders and support system in The Hormone Balance Solution.
Meet The Team
Hi, I'm Tara Thorne.
Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Functional Nutrition Coach.
Then, when I moved from Australia to Canada when I was 27, I suffered from another bout of (this time crippling) anxiety, which – you guessed it – my doctor gave me more Band-Aids for in the form of Clonazepam and Zoloft. But I knew these meds were not the solution. I knew there must be a reason for my symptoms – and it wasn’t a medication deficiency!

After years of struggling and then years of learning everything I possibly could about women’s hormones, functional testing, therapeutic supplements, nutrition, the nervous system, and SO much more, now, in the thick of my perimenopausal years, I feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s!
I am also blessed with an incredible amount of knowledge and clinical experience, which I bring to you and my clients so you don’t have to struggle like I did, or try to figure it all out on your own. I’ve helped thousands of women worldwide regain their confidence, their self-esteem, and ditch their debilitating symptoms – and you can too!
Hello, I'm Michelle Robinson.
Functional Medical Practitioner
Michelle is a Functional Medicine Practitioner certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and Breath work and a Mindset coach.
Michelle was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) in her mid-30s, which sent her into early menopause at 36. Michelle has over 12 years of experience supporting clients to get to the underlying causes of their symptoms and health issues, and supports women with physical,
mental and emotional imbalances so they can combat hormonal burnout, reduce debilitating symptoms, rebuild resilience, and regain their energy.
Michelle brings incredible knowledge to The HBS group and we're so lucky to have her as part of the team!

From inside The HBS Community…
Here's what you get when you join the HBS:

• 26 weeks (6 months) spent with Tara and Michelle, and the other HBS ladies, inside the program. This gives us ample time to dive deep into your case, watch how you respond to protocols, tweak things if needed, continuously ask you questions and get feedback from you – and all this guides us and helps us redirect when needed. Healing is not a simple, black and white process, nor is it quick when done right. Likewise, there’s no overnight fix for your symptoms. This is why we’ve made this program half a year in length, to give you time to undo damage and rebalance body systems. We play the long-game in the HBS – which gives you long-term, sustainable results. These 6 months also enable us to give you support and encouragement whilst we educate you about your body, so you leave The HBS feeling confident about what to do for the rest of your life to support your body and keep it healthy.
• Four private one-on-one consultations with Tara or Michelle. These consultations are completely private and give you time to ask us all your questions, get clarification on your protocols and testing, and give us time to ask you questions so we can ensure we’re on the right track with your protocols and to encourage and support you in your healing journey and where you can improve things to optimise your results, more info in the FAQs.
• Weekly group coaching calls. These give you even more time to talk to Tara and Michelle – face-to-face – about your health, your test results, the custom protocols we’ve developed for you, and more. These sessions allow you to get support, motivation, and encouragement and all your questions answered. These calls are at appropriate times for ladies in North America, Australia, as well as the UK – so nobody misses out. They are also all recorded for you to watch later, either as videos or as audio files, (like a podcast).
• Private Facebook community full of other HBS members as well as direct, continual access to Tara and Michelle. This private group is a very active community of like-minded women on a similar journey to you. It’s where you can ask as many questions as you like for the duration of the program and seek support from Tara and her team, as well as the other HBS ladies. Tara and her team are completely accessible to you in this group, so you never have a question or query go unanswered.
• Weekly emails direct to your inbox for the first 11 weeks of the program, and a further 5 emails for the remainder of the program. These emails are designed to keep you focused, on track, and remind you where you're supposed to be at in the program, what you're supposed to be focusing on, and where you're going / what’s coming up.
• The HBS membership option. Once you’re finished the first 6 months with us you may decide you want to continue working with us. Over 70% of the women who join The HBS continue on in The HBS membership, because they’re loving the support, community, and re-testing options we offer.
• Access to an online food journal. In this journal you can input what you’re eating so we can review this in detail for you and make personalised suggestions for you.
• Cronometer reviews. If you’d like, we can review your macros in order for us to give you more personalised dietary recommendations.
• A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test. This is one of the most crucial tests you must do in order to balance your hormones, (if you don't get on top of your minerals and heavy metals – which we see on this test – you may NEVER see hormonal balance). You do this test in the comfort of your own home.
• GI Map stool test – the most comprehensive stool test on the market. You don’t have a hormone issue – you have a gut issue! Running hormone tests can be a waste of time and money, especially in your 40’s. All your hormone imbalances, (in fact, all your symptoms) start in the gut, so running a gut test is a mandatory part of any healing program. You do this test in the comfort of your own home.
• Analysis of blood test results. We love looking at blood work as it gives us SO much valuable information about your body and why it’s behaving the way it is. Looking at your blood results allows us to dive deeper into your health case. If you don’t have blood test results currently, we can help point you in the right direction as to where to get them done and what to ask for, (more info in the FAQs below).
• Other testing available if you need it. We have access to other testing as required such as SIBO testing, mold testing, Lyme testing, and much more. We only recommend these if we truly believe you need to do them.
• Custom supplement protocols based on your test results and unique case. No more DIY-ing your supplements or throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. We are experts a developing custom supplement protocols that work for our clients.
• Video explanation of your test results and blood work. In these videos we explain – in detail – your results and how they relate to your symptoms, so you’re never left wondering what a marker means or how your results relate to your symptoms. We give you answers and spend the time explaining these to you, which you’ve probably never been given before. These videos are yours to keep and refer back to forever.
• The Anti-Inflammatory HBS Dietary Guidelines, which outline what a healthy diet looks like for every human, long-term. Note: if you need a more specific diet type we will offer this to you – along with resources to support you – after our initial consult with you.
• Stress Reduction, Sleep, and Healthy Movement.
• Light Therapy.
• Nervous System SOS.
• Blood Sugar Balance.
• Detoxification and Elimination.
• Gut Health.
• Adrenal Health.
• Thyroid Health.
• Estrogen Excess & Metabolism.
• Low Estrogen.
• Peri-menopause & HRT.
• Boundaries & Mindset.
• 7 of Tara's most requested e-books. These include her PMS Handbook, Healthy Desserts Recipe Book, Healthy Gut Guide, Summer Mocktails, and more.
• Meal plans. For inspiration only – you don’t have to follow these – we provide you with meal plans.
• 204+ gluten-free, mostly dairy-free, anti-inflammatory, and hormone-supporting recipes. You’re going to love these recipes that allow you to have easy meals planned for the rest of your life.
• Access to group tapping sessions with a Master Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, as well as the option to purchase a personalized tapping script at a discounted price. PLUS, pre-recorded tapping videos by a master tapping expert that focus on forgiveness and stress and overwhelm, because you'll never heal in a stressed-out state. EFT is an emotional freedom technique that helps you dig deeper and tackle those emotional issues that are holding your health back.
• Pilates workout focused on increasing the core connection (deep abdominals and pelvic floor specifically). This was created by Ky Russell, Balanced Body Master Pilates Instructor, Mindful Fitness Researcher, Educator, and Trainer
• 6 additional workout videos. These were created by Gina Roof, Nutrition & Wellness Health Coach of Simply Balanced with Gina, and fitness instructor.
• 8 guided meditations, 4 breath-work guides, sound bathing recordings, along with additional music, affirmations, and meditation suggestions available on specific apps and Spotify. We’ve scoured the various tools to bring you some of the best apps, sounds, and music to help you with the nervous system that is such a pivotal part of The HBS.
• Tara’s recommended reading, recommended products, and recommended viewing. These are constantly getting added to as Tara finds new and amazing products that may help you in your healing journey.
Who The Hormone Balance Solution program is and is not for:
The HBS is for you if:
You are willing to invest time, effort, and commitment to achieve their desired results.
You understand that sustainable results take time and who are not seeking quick overnight fixes.
You take personal responsibility for their health and are willing to actively participate in the program.
You have a positive mindset, are open to new possibilities, and who are willing to believe in the program's potential for success.
You are proactive and take ownership of their circumstances instead of complaining or blaming others.
You are motivated and ready to make lifestyle adjustments and embrace change for their own wellbeing.
You are dedicated and willing to put in the necessary work to achieve their health and wellness goals.
The HBS is not for you if:
You’re seeking an overnight “quick fix” or expecting rapid results without putting in the necessary effort and commitment.
You are unwilling to take personal responsibility for your health and expect someone else to do all the work for you.
You consistently exhibit a negative attitude, skepticism, and a predisposition to believe that the program is destined to fail you.
You have a tendency to frequently complain, blame others for your circumstances, or find excuses rather than taking proactive steps in your healing.
You are resistant to change and unmotivated to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments.
Find out how The Hormone Balance Solution helped Stephanie finally get answers – after multiple doctor's couldn't help – and a diagnosis for her symptoms, and hence, a plan forward for her health.
Experiences Shared by Previous HBS Members
Overheard On the HBS Coaching Calls . . .
Before and After of an HBS lady who wanted to clear her skin.

What Our HBS Members Are Saying:
Because I know you've got questions about the HBS. So, I've got answers.
Once I’m finished my time in The HBS is my health “done”? Will I be “healed”?
It's important to acknowledge that achieving optimal health takes time, considering the entire journey that has led you to your current state. As the saying goes, you don't walk 10 miles into the woods only to walk out in 5. Realistic expectations are key.
Properly prioritising your health requires a significant investment of time, which is why The HBS program is designed to span over 6 months. It's crucial to understand that healing times vary depending on individual circumstances and the level of effort you put into the process.
It's vital to recognise that Michelle and I do not heal you. Ultimately, you are the one who heals yourself. We provide you with the best tools, tips, advice, and protocols available, but it's your responsibility to actively listen and put in the work.
Should you choose to continue beyond the initial 6-month program, you have the option to join The HBS membership. This allows you to remain a part of the program on a month-to-month basis (more details below).
It's important to remember that the journey toward health is ongoing and never truly finished. Just like you service your car yearly, I believe it's beneficial for everyone to seek guidance from a functional health practitioner at least once a year for a “tune-up,” which involves functional testing and customised supplement plans. But there’s no doubt you can feel so much better than you do today – and sustain this long-term – even after a few short weeks inside The HBS.
When does the program start? Is there a “start date”?
We do not have a specific “start” date for The HBS program, but we do have a limited number of openings available for women each month. Your program journey begins once you have completed the payment process.
We need to establish a solid foundation before receiving your test results, ensuring that the supplements we recommend based on those results will be effective. Therefore, your healing journey begins right away – not once you receive test results back.
During the initial weeks of the program, while we are awaiting your test results, our focus will be on crucial aspects of healing such as identifying the right diet type for you, achieving blood sugar balance, optimising sleep, working on the nervous system, facilitating detoxification, among other important elements. These steps are essential for establishing a strong foundation. Without addressing these aspects first, the testing protocols may not yield optimal results.
Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive all the resources you need to get started. Additionally, you will gain immediate access to our private Facebook group and coaching calls, where Tara and Michelle will be available to provide support and answer any questions you may have.
What do the one-on-one consultations look like?
- The first consultation is done over Zoom (audio only) with either Tara or Michelle. This is a 45-60 minute information gathering session. It’s a chance for us to gather as much information about you as possible by talking with you and going through the online intake form you would have filled out for us prior to this consultation. This initial session will happen ideally within the first 2 weeks of the program.
- The second consultation occurs around week 10 of the program and this is a 30 min audio consultation with Tara or Michelle and is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about your protocols and test results and an opportunity for us to guide you / tweak anything we may need to tweak, and ensure you’re confident about the next steps in your healing journey. We can run through all your testing during this consultation so you completely understand what it all means and how it relates to your specific health symptoms.
- You’re invited to set up your third consultation on week 14 of the program and this is also a 30 min audio consultation with Tara or Michelle. This is another chance to get more of your questions answered and for us to ensure that you’re motivated and confident about the direction you need to take in the coming months to continue your health journey.
- You’re invited to set up your fourth and final consultation on week 22 – a few weeks before your final week of the program.
Do I really get good in-depth support in a group program?
The HBS program is more than just a typical group program— it’s a hybrid program that offers a unique combination of support. Some individuals may mistakenly believe that a hybrid program lacks the necessary support, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, The HBS program offers an extensive level of support that encompasses one-on-one consultations, the interactive Facebook group, and the group coaching calls. You receive comprehensive support within The HBS that is equivalent to, if not surpassing, the level of support you would receive in a one-on-one setting with us. Moreover, the invaluable community support from fellow participants within The HBS often proves instrumental in helping women succeed on their healing journey.
Do I need Facebook to participate in The HBS?
The private Facebook group is filled with incredible support, inspiration, and guidance and it’s the best place to get quick answers to questions that may pop up for you whilst you’re in the program as we don’t do private email support.
Will I have to go on a strict diet?
While we prioritise flexibility and individuality in The HBS program, we don't adhere strictly to rigid diets. When you join, we provide you with our Anti-Inflammatory HBS Dietary Guidelines, which offers healthful dietary recommendations suitable for most individuals. However, during our initial consultation, if we determine that you would benefit from a more specific diet tailored to your needs, we will offer you personalised recommendations and provide additional resources to support you in implementing this specific diet type. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the dietary guidance that best suits your unique requirements and preferences.
I'm vegan/vegetarian - is this program right for me?
In my experience, many women do well when they incorporate some animal protein in their diet, especially when it comes to hormone balancing. (Our bodies can only work with the building blocks we give it – and this is especially true of our hormones!)
Vegetarians & vegans – you are of course welcome to join. I fully respect your choices, however, please know I can’t further customize a vegan or vegetarian meal plan but you’re welcome to adapt the meal plans to your own preferences.
I'm breastfeeding. Should I join the program?
What is the GI Map test?
What is the HTMA test?
Can I get other tests done if we think something else is required?
What if I want to re-test? How can I do that after my 6 months is up inside The HBS?
If you want to continue your healing journey past the 6 months in the program you can join the membership. This is when you pay month to month and are able to stick around and gain continued access to everything, including retest packages that aren’t available outside The HBS. You can purchase these retest packages inside the membership if/when you’re ready.
Do I have to purchase supplements?
Please be prepared to make an investment in supplements, (and we give you discounts wherever we can) but also know this: we will give you the best case scenario of supplements we suggest you take but we can prioritise them for you so you can pick and choose if budget is a concern. We will always do our best to limit the cost where we can. Nutraceutical support however, is a crucial part of your healing.
We lay out exactly what we suggest including dose, brand, and where to purchase from. You're free to purchase whatever you want, (all or none or just some) and from wherever you'd like.
Do you read my blood work inside The Hormone Balance Solution?
Do you give me a requisition to go and do blood work?
If your doctor won’t play ball here we give you suggestions for private labs where you can get blood work done.
Do I HAVE to have blood work done already before I join The HBS?
In fact, we like to see old bloods as well as newer ones – this gives us the trends of your blood work.
But if you don’t have any when you join that’s totally fine. You can get bloods run after you join the program and whenever your results come in we will do a blood work overview for you.
I’m busy (like really busy), but I know I NEED THIS PROGRAM - so how am I going to find the time to fit this all in?
I understand. As a busy working mom with two young kids and a business to run, finding time for your health can be challenging. But there’s nothing special about those who have transformed their lives before you inside The HBS. Here's the truth: if other women can do it, so can you.
Meal preparation is a crucial part of healthy living, and we'll support you in The HBS with tips on batch cooking, meal planning, and more. We provide a variety of recipes for you to choose from. And the educational portion of The HBS is designed to fit into a manageable amount of time—possibly even less than what you spend on TV or social media scrolling. We have also provided audio recordings of the important resources and coaching calls so that you can learn in a way that suits you best.
Remember, you can start with one small step and build from there. The HBS is not a race, but a lifestyle. We can go at your pace. Neglecting your health can only make your struggles worse, so it's important to make time for your wellbeing.
Can I do The HBS if I don’t live in Australia?
What’s your refund policy?
Don’t continue to play guessing games with your health. It’s time to test and not guess and finally get answers.
Click here to join The Hormone Balance Solution today.