Hi, I'm Tara Thorne.

Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Functional Nutrition Coach.

I’ve had my share of hormonal issues. It all started with severe acne in my teenage years, which my doctor prescribed The Pill and Accutane for. PMS followed this in my 20s. I suffered from water retention, mood swings, sore breasts, migraines, and some anxiety-induced insomnia, which the doctor gave me Xanax for, (another Band-Aid “solution”).

Then, when I moved from Australia to Canada when I was 27, I suffered from another bout of (this time crippling) anxiety, which – you guessed it – my doctor gave me more Band-Aids for in the form of Clonazepam and Zoloft. But I knew these meds were not the solution. I knew there must be a reason for my symptoms – and it wasn’t a medication deficiency!

So I began investigating WHY I had all these symptoms and what I could do about them from a root cause level. I couldn’t learn everything I needed to quickly enough though, (there’s a LOT to learn when it comes to the human body) and so consequently, I suffered from postpartum thyroiditis and anxiety after I had my babies.

After years of struggling and then years of learning everything I possibly could about women’s hormones, functional testing, therapeutic supplements, nutrition, the nervous system, and SO much more, now,  in the thick of my perimenopausal years, I feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s!

I am also blessed with an incredible amount of knowledge and clinical experience, which I bring to you and my clients so you don’t have to struggle like I did, or try to figure it all out on your own. I’ve helped thousands of women worldwide regain their confidence, their self-esteem, and ditch their debilitating symptoms – and you can too!

Tara xo 

Professional Bio

Tara is a Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and Certified Microbiome Restoration Centre Practitioner. To keep things simple, she calls herself a Functional Health Practitioner.

Tara has over a decade of clinical experience helping women around the world optimize their health and eliminate their symptoms. Her focus is helping midlife women regain their energy, confidence, peace of mind and a new lease on life during this transformational time.

Tara is consistently upgrading her knowledge and is seldom – if ever – without a course or diploma of some sort on the go.    

Here is a current list of Tara's credentials and extensive trainings:

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Diagnostic Practitioner
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition – Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Functional Nutrition Certification Program – Certified Functional Nutrition Coach
DUTCH Advanced (FDN)
HTMA Expert
SIBO Advanced (FDN)
Blood Chemistry Analysis (FDN)
Mineral Mastery
MTHFR, Methylation & Biochemistry
Blastocystis & Dientamoeba: Gastrointestinal Pathogens or Commensal Symbionts – Probiotic Advisor
Fructose Malabsorption – Probiotic Advisor
Everything About The New Estrogen – Dr. Lindsey Berkson
The Vaginal Microbiome – Probiotic Advisor
The Institute for Functional Medicine Hormone Advanced Practice Module
Level III – Blood Chemistry Interpretation – Dr. Bryan Walsh
FDN Advanced: Oxalates
How To Evaluate Adrenal Fatigue on a Blood Chemistry Workshop – Dr. Bryan Walsh
Using Prebiotics & Probiotics to Enhance Immunity – Dr. Jason Hawrelak

Prescribing Hormones for Menopause, an introductory course for healthcare providers – Dr. Felice Gersh

Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Aproach to Gastrointestinal Conditions with Dr. Jason Hawrelak.

In Progress: Advanced Microbiome Manipulation with Dr. Jason Hawrelak

On-going functional health mentorship with Dr. Bryan Walsh/Metabolic Fitness.

On-going HRT mentorship with Jill Chmielewski RN. 

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