Fool-Proof Kids Green Smoothie
Serves 2 Ingredients 1 banana 1 small handful of greens (I use kale or spinach mostly) 1/3 cup cashews (optional) 2 C water (or you could use a milk alternative, especially if you’re not using the cashews) ¼ C coconut or dairy kefir (optional but recommended for...

Simple Apple & Nut Butter Snack
This is a simple yet delicious and great blood sugar stabilizing snack. All you need is an apple and some nut butter. I usually like to use almond butter. Cut the apple into slices and dip into the nut butter.

Pesto Salmon Pasta
Ingredients See pesto recipe here for pesto ingredients 2 wild salmon fillets (I use 2 fillets for my husband, myself and our 4 year old) Legume pasta - enough for 3 people. I like to use Maria's noodles. Instructions Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Make pesto sauce...

The supplements to take when you're under a lot of stress
When your body is under consistent stress certain key nutrients are depleted. And if you’re not absorbing your nutrients well, (which many of us aren’t due to poor digestion or unhealthy guts) then no matter how much “healthy food” you eat, your adrenals won’t be...

Must I really give up my coffee if I have adrenal issues or am stressed?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but giving up coffee, (for a period of time, at least) is important for those wishing to recover from adrenal fatigue. The reason why is two-fold. Firstly, cortisol plays an important role in blood sugar regulation, which is why so...

Stabilizing blood sugar is key for those suffering from adrenal issues
Here's my top tip for adrenal fatigue sufferers: manage your blood sugar levels. Our adrenal hormones play a key role in blood sugar regulation, here’s how. Stress causes our adrenal glands to produce cortisol. Cortisol raises blood sugar in order to give our body...

Nut & Seed Bars
Ingredients: 2 C raw cashews 1 C raw walnuts 20 dates (I like to use Medjool) - soaked in warm water for 10 minutes 1/3 C golden berries (golden berries give this slice a nice tangy bite. They also contain a high amount of carotene and bioflavonoids, along with...

Turmeric Tahini Dressing
Ingredients: ½ C tahini ½ C water 2 TBS olive oil 2 TBS wheat-free tamari sauce 2 TBS white wine vinegar ½ tsp turmeric (you could always bump this up to 1 tsp but try ½ first) 1 clove garlic 1 tsp dried ginger or 1 TBS fresh ginger Salt and pepper to taste...

Fruit Leather
Ingredients: 1 C unsweetened applesauce 2 C frozen strawberries (you can use any berry you wish. I find that the frozen ones yeild a more concentrated flavour) 1 medium zucchini ¼ C maple syrup (you can omit this for a lower sugar version that’s just as tasty)...

Simple Sweet Kale Salad
Ingredients Salad: 2 cups finely chopped kale (see "notes") 2 cups finely chopped red cabbage 2 stalks celery - cubed ½ cup parsley Dressing: 1/2 an avocado 1 TBS lemon juice 1 TBS apple cider vinegar ½ cup olive, flax or avocado oil 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1...

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