Your nightly glass of wine is a huge danger to your breasts
Approximately 4% –10% of breast cancers in the USA are attributable to alcohol consumption accounting for 9000 – 23,000 new invasive breast cancer cases each year. Alcohol is considered by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be causally related to...

Six tips that will help make more time for healthy living and eating
In my online health membership site, The Healthy Mama Hive, some ladies were saying that “time” is their biggest enemy when it comes to eating and living healthfully. Well, I want to once and for all put that excuse, (because that’s what it is) to bed. As one of my...

7 Tips for kicking the sugar habit once and for all
Recently inside The Healthy Mama Hive I had some Healthy Mamas, (as I like to call them) talk about how they had fallen back into the "sugar trap" and were dealing with sugar cravings so I did a live about some of the things we have to think about when the sugar...

Histamine intolerance is a big deal. Here's why (and why you may well have it and not know it).
A while back I experienced something that totally freaked me out. It happened 3 times that I can recall and I didn't connect the dots at first. Here's what happened. It started with me becoming really hot and red in the face. I also felt tingly in...

What your poop can tell you about your health
There's one thing you can do on a regular basis that gives you a great clue about your health. This thing doesn't cost you any money nor does it require a time commitment. So what am I talking about? I'm talking about checking out your poop on a daily basis,...

What your blood work is telling you about your health that your doctor probably doesn't know
Do you know what your blood work is telling you about your health that your doctor maybe doesn't know? Many of us go off to our doctor not knowing which blood tests they may suggest for us or why - but I want to change that. If you aren't proactive when it comes to...

Which type of magnesium to choose?
Citrate... bisglycinate... threonate.... when it comes to magnesium there are so many options so which one is the right one for you? I know there are a lot out there, and magnesium is a mineral that I put almost all my clients on, so you'll likely...

The low-down on CBD oil
Above is a picture of my CBD oil. CBD oil is getting a name for itself, and for good reason. Studies are showing us that it can promote and maintain health in various ways. First up, it's an antioxidant that boasts neuro-protective benefits and is more...

The two most crucial tests for every woman, (yes – every woman)
In my practice I see a lot of women who are suffering from hormonal imbalances. I also see a lot of women who are burnt out, fried, and frazzled. Hormonal imbalances and burnout have two things in common: hormones and gut health. The DUTCH test is the hormone...

What to do if you have to take antibiotics
I recently came face to face with a hard decision to make. My 2-year old, (at the time) got a bullseye rash after we had been up in Ontario’s “cottage country” where ticks are known to reside. I took her to four – yes four – doctors but none could give me a definitive...

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