If you don't balance your minerals like copper you may have never resolve PMS …
If you don't balance your minerals like copper you may have never resolve PMS, having heavy and irregular periods, brain fog, headaches, anxiety, candida and fatigue... We must be very mindful of copper in women. It plays a big role in balancing estrogen and...

Salt is GOOD for you. (and you probably need more)…
There are many NON-TRUTHS the 'experts' have told you: red meat is bad for us, cholesterol will kill us, plant-based diets are best, eat margarine, use vegetable oils... functional medicine is "quackery", you can't support your immune system with food &...

We continue to hear of the remarkable benefits of vitamin D but often the wellness industry runs with ideas without fully investigating them. When it comes to vitamin D it’s time we sat up and took notice of research that is trying to sound the alarm on the...

The only probiotic I recommend
No doubt you’ve heard about probiotics and how beneficial they are for your gut, but here's the thing: most probiotics on the market don't EVER make it into your gut where we need them! What they don’t tell you about probiotics Most probiotics on the market get killed...

IODINE: A crucial nutrient for women's health that most women are deficient in
I'm a fan of iodine for women's health. Iodine is CRUCIAL for the proper functioning of the breasts, ovaries, thyroid and for healthy estrogen metabolism, (and if you're pregnant make sure you're getting adequate iodine: it supports baby's brain health). If you're...

The Gut – Brain Connection
If you suffer with mood disorders such as anxiety or depression the first point of call is to look at your gut. This is due to a little thing called the "gut-brain-axis" (GBA). The GBA consists of bi-directional communication between the nervous system and the GI...

COPPER TOXICITY may be the reason why you're not getting better
If you’re high in estrogen you’ll be high in copper because anything that raises estrogen also raises copper in the body. Unfortunately, in this day and age, we are overly prone to becoming copper toxic. Copper also has a very powerful influence on mood, behaviour,...

Why Blood Tests Are Not Very Helpful For Testing Mineral Status
Minerals are SO important but unfortunately we’re deficient in many and our balance is out of whack. Blame poor soil quality (less nutritious food), contaminated water, stress, incorrect supplementation and toxin exposure. “But Tara, I’ve had my minerals tested by my...

Your genes load the gun but diet and lifestyle pull the trigger
Your genes load the gun but it's your diet and lifestyle that pull the trigger. I find when someone hears this they fall into one of two camps: 1. This information is too much responsibility plus, it means having to take a good look at your diet and lifestyle and...

Six Steps to rectify estrogen dominance
DO YOU SUFFER FROM ANY OF THESE? PMS Fibroids Breast or ovarian cysts Sore breasts Headaches Irregular cycles Weight gain PCOS Endo Water retention Mood swings Anxiety If you have even just a couple of these symptoms then it’s highly likely you may have estrogen...

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